Here are some answers to frequently asked questions.
Can we submit a school order?
In the past, Vic Farrell Publishing accepted School Orders, but found that the administration was too much for a one-woman operation who teaches full time. I have made it very easy to purchase all texts as digital PDF files using a credit card.
Why is my order taking so long?
Vic Farrell is a full-time teacher at an APS school (where Saturday sport is a requirement). All emails and orders are processed once per month which means your order may take up to 6 weeks to arrive.
why haven't you answered my question here or on facebook?
Vic Farrell is a full-time teacher and runs this business in her spare time. She is not on Facebook all day monitoring for potential questions. The best way to contact Vic is to post a message on the contact page.
why are these books so expensive?
Vic Farrell not only writes the books, but edits them, pays for printing, transport and the costs involved for web site management. She also manually sends each order out from her home once a month. Larger publishing companies can afford lower prices as they sell more texts and get deals with larger postage costs.